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The Hakluyt Society

"The Society is a registered charity inspired by and named after Richard Hakluyt (1552-1616), the famous collector and editor of narratives of voyages and travels and other documents relating to English interests overseas. His name was probably pronounced "Hack-loot", since an earlier member of the family was recorded as an MP in 1304 as Hakelute, and not "Hackle-wit", the family being of Welsh extraction and not Dutch, as is sometimes supposed.Membership of the Hakluyt Society is strongly recommended to everyone interested in the history of exploration and travel, exploratory voyages, geographical discovery and world wide cultural encounter. For an annual subscription of only £40 ($80), members receive all volumes issued by the Society (other than those of the Extra Series) during the period of membership. Currently, two or three volumes are published each year. These books are excellent value. The extremely interesting and historically significant texts and translations, often appearing in print for the first time, are fully annotated and well-illustrated."

Format:  Website
Publisher:  The Hakluyt Society