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Ledabbïr ba‰‰elî (2 Sam. 3:27) "to Talk Peace"

Ledabbïr ba‰‰elî in 2 Sam 3:27 seems to be equivalent in its underlying meaning to such a technical expression from the vocabulary of treaty-making as ledabbïr ‰Çlôm, and thus it too is to be identified as such a technical expression denoting “to talk peace” in the sense “to negotiate and seal a peace treaty”. These two expressions may then be either synonyms, in which case the hapax ‰elî would be another word in biblical Hebrew denoting peace; or the word ‰elî should be emended to ‰Çlôm. Since there is in biblical Hebrew the root ‰lh with its various derivatives, all denoting meanings from the semantic field of peace, quietude and the like, no emendation of the word ‰elî is needed. It seems then that the common derivation of this word by most commentators from the root ‰lh is eminently possible.

Author(s):  Malul, Meir
Format:  Article
Date:  2003
Source:  The Journal of Hebrew Scriptures
Volume:  4